Breathworks programmes are a development of John Kabat-Zinn’s Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) adapted to suit the needs of those with chronic pain, illness or stress and founded on practice-based research.
Breathworks approach has been incorporating all the scientific findings of the last 20 years of studies about the Brain, the Mind and their relationship.
The Breathworks Foundation, a UK registered charity wing, was formed in 2009. This has aims to promote research and to provide bursaries for people who cannot afford to attend courses.
Research on the clinical benefits of mindfulness revealed that across all scales measured (mood, pain experience, quality of life, catastrophising, and confidence in activity despite pain), the Breathworks approach showed statistically and clinically significant improvement.
There are 2 main streams of courses: Breathworks for Stress and Breathworks for Health.
From humble beginnings to international recognition, Breathworks' mission is to bring mindfulness and compassion as a tool for reducing suffering to people worldwide; regardless of their situation.

Breathworks for STRESS
You will learn Mindfulness skills to cope with stress, fear, anxiety and depression within a supportive and friendly individual or group environment.
For individual and groups to embrace an 8 week journey. 16 - 24 hrs of learning/practice.
Breathworks for HEALTH
You will learn life-changing skills to deal with chronic pain and ill-health. Moving from what can be felt as unbearable, debilitating and unfair to a more balanced and rich life. A mix of mindfulness and compassion practice, meditation, and modern pain management strategies allows to well manage your pain and health condition.
6 to 12 people group to embrace an 8 week journey. Approx. 24 hrs of learning/practice.
An introductory session precedes every course and participants are offered a 1:1 before the course starts.
Mindfulness gives you your life back, you can live the life you want, with confidence and positivity.