Mindflowness Programs
People who learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy. – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
The Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course is a method that can be used in daily life to
bring a greater sense of calm equilibrium regardless of the pressures we are up against or the challenges we face.
The specific practice of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), developed by Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn, has been shown in numerous clinical studies to improve stress-related physical symptoms, reduce psychological distress, and enhance emotional
The latest Neurosciences related Mindfulness 8 weeks course. Rooted in the John Kabat-Zinn
foundational MBSR, Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course, it incorporates all the
scientific findings of the last 20 years of studies about the Brain, the Mind, and their relationship. Suitable for young and mature generations for stress and pain management in health, education, and work environment.
Connected Leadership
The concept and the approach to leadership has dramatically changed in the recent years.
Never before challenged in this way people will need to access different and deeper personal resources in leading their own life as much as leading teams and entire companies.
Leadesrhip and diverisyt's needs are not just a box you pretend to have ticked with few words in the company 's mission and values page.
Pilates Coaching and Mindful Movements
Taking care of our bodies is crucial, and it’s part of every personal mind-body-emotion
relationship’s developments in daily life.
Our posture shows our history, our personality. Add potential pains and very common chronic pains, and you will find it extremely beneficial to learn Pilates and Mindful Movements within your capabilities and strengthen them for the best especially with foundational and easy training in the work environment as much as at home .
Family Brainstorming
The Teenage years can become a useful awareness experience to be shared within the family members.
This brainstorm offers an opportunity to grow together with science and intention. It will help
to embrace not just the adolescence but also the parents and siblings in that journey.
Mindfulness in Schools Project,
Mindful School Organization
Both nonprofit organizations aim to encourage, support, and research the teaching of secular
mindfulness in schools. Based on the core mindfulness principles of Mindfulness-Based Stress
Reduction (MBSR). Two approaches and several programs’ options to match Education
environment needs.
It is a challenge to find a satisfying and comfortable way through our evolving roles, identities, changing demands and shifting standards of life.
Learning to deal with self-criticism, rediscovering our own values and care for ourselves is indispensable. Actually connecting with ourselves allows to better connect with others and improve our relationships overall. Finding your inner powerful voice and confidence.
Mindfulness-Based Compassionate Living program is reconnecting us with universal human quality, inherently present in everyone.
Other Courses
All the courses inform customization's at times required by specific contexts and needs, such as the variety of Work Environments, culture creation/refresh, integration, inclusion and diversity, to mention few.
In terms of Neuroscience Healthy Minds informs of the latest researches and findings .
A taster session or a workshop is highly recommended to envision how these courses can benefit you and your organization.
All the courses are offered to individuals, groups, organizations in person and/or in video,
English, Italian and other languages based on project needs.